Meet Our Board
The Society is served by a dedicated Board of Directors, elected by and from the general membership at the Annual General Meeting. All are volunteers.

Sharon Daly
Sharon has a Master’s degree in environmental planning with many years of work experience in government and private consulting. She has also owned a successful yoga studio and yoga therapy practice.
Sharon is interested in helping reshape understanding of the human-nature relationship and working collaboratively with others to ensure urban ecosystems are healthy and life sustaining now and in the future. Sharon joined the Board in October 2020 and has been Board Chair since May 2022. She is an avid cyclist, hiker, fitness enthusiast, nature lover and regenerative gardener.

Maureen Butler
Bio coming soon!

Lynn Young
Lynn is now retired from a career as Educator and Executive Director at a thriving non-profit Early Learning Centre in Saanich. She has a solid background in non-profit board governance.
Lynn is passionate about connecting children, families, and all members of society with nature. She has a keen interest in protecting the environment and creating native gardens that attract and support birds and pollinators.
Lynn was elected to the Board in October 2020 and has been Board Secretary and Governance Chair since June 2022. She is grateful for the opportunity to contribute to an organization that supports education, restoration and stewardship of the Nature Sanctuary lands and beyond.

Pablo Melo
Pablo Melo pursued a BSc in Applied Ecology, leading to work as a Naturalist Guide in two of the top 10 eco-lodges within the Amazon Basin. Interestingly, both lodges incorporated significant Indigenous worldviews and practices into the client experience, providing Pablo with insights into Indigenous strengths and needs.
After gaining experience in non-profit organizations, he transitioned to the for-profit sector and founded his own green company, inspiring him to get more knowledge by studying for a Master of Business Administration.
Pablo's key skills include strategic planning, product design, and business development. He is committed to advocacy and responsible actions to accelerate the growth of the environmental sector for a healthy and sustainable future.

Rick Marshall
As a Director, Rick is pleased to volunteer his time, energy and ideas to support the Nature Sanctuary’s mission to foster community understanding and appreciation of nature and provide an urban sanctuary bringing people and nature together.
Rick has served on several non-profit Boards besides a career in public service. He is interested in natural areas conservation in our community and has gotten his hands and knees very dirty in that pursuit.

Shamus Reid
Shamus’ passion is strategic leadership, guided by strong values, and focused on benefits to people and communities. He holds an MBA from the Rotman School of Management in Leadership and Change Management and is a Certified Change Management Professional.
Over a varied career, he has worked in the nonprofit, for profit, and public sectors. Shamus co-founded and was Chief Operating Officer of a values-driven advocacy and public engagement technology company that has grown to service environmental and social causes on 4 continents.
With a young family and renewed passion for making an impact close to home, Shamus recently returned to the public sector, joining the BC Public Service. Shamus grew up in Victoria. He returned with his wife and daughter to set down roots in an urban setting that values nature. The Nature Sanctuary is a favourite spot for his daughter’s adventures with her grandma.
Sharlot Beatty
Sharlot is a Training and Development Specialist with over 10 years of experience. She has worked for several local not-for-profit organizations including the Vancouver Island Construction Association, Beacon Community Services, Worklink and the Cool Aid Society.
She is extroverted, creative and prioritizes fun. Sharlot is motivated by helping others define and reach their goals. She has a deep love of and respect for the natural world and is excited about the opportunity to contribute to its preservation and protection through her efforts as a board member.